Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on ABC’s This Week: “If this happened, if this is accurate, this is the biggest overreach and the biggest scandal.”
SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: “Look, I think there have been quite a few reports. I know that Jonathan and others earlier in the program mentioned that it was all conservative media but that’s frankly not true. The New York Times [and the] BBC have also talked about and reported on the potential of this having . . . happened. I think the bigger thing is, let’s find out. Let’s have an investigation. If they’re going to investigate Russia ties, let’s include this as part of it and so that’s what we’re asking. . . . . If this happened, if this is accurate, this is the biggest overreach and the biggest scandal.”
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price on CBS’s Face The Nation: “Right now, across the country, there are many individuals who have a challenge from healthcare access and cost of insurance in the individual and small group market and that’s what we want to focus on.”
SECRETARY TOM PRICE: “The mission of HHS is to improve the health and safety and well-being of the American people, and right now, across the country, there are many individuals who have a challenge from healthcare access and cost of insurance in the individual and small group market and that’s what we want to focus on. And there are literally millions of folks who . . . either aren’t able to afford their insurance or pay a premium. Premiums are up 25 percent over the last year, almost . . . 100 percent over the last three to four years. So, what we want to make certain is that we are being true to the principles of healthcare, which is a system that is accessible for everybody and affordable for everybody and of the highest quality, making sure we incentivize innovation and empowering patients through both transparency and accountability. So, that’s the plan we’ve been working on, and we look forward to moving it very, very soon.”
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures: “The President set out to undo the military sequester, that’s exactly what this does.”
DIRECTOR MICK MULVANEY: “I have seen the same data and heard the same things that the general mentioned. It does make one wonder what the Obama Administration did with all the money that we spent on defense over the course of the last eight years, but I will tell you this Maria, in arriving at the $54 billion, there’s a couple of different things that got us to that number. First, it was the number that the President promised during the campaign. It’s the number that would be for the military, $603 billion if there were no military sequester. That was very specific. The President set out to undo the military sequester, that’s exactly what this does. We sat down with the Defense Department, with the Pentagon, to go over how much money they actually needed to start solving some of these problems. We are not going to undo the damage that has been done in just one year. This is the first step of several years of additional defense spending this President wants to see, but, again, we worked in close lock step with the DOD to arrive at this number. … I’m just saying we managed to do so, and I don’t want to minimize this at [missing word??]. It would be easy to take any number out of the air, but it would inevitably add to the deficit this year. What I don’t want to get lost in all of this is the President’s commitment to move money within our current budget to prioritize defense. He’s doing this $54 billion of additional spending for the military without adding to the already large 2018 budget. That’s exactly what he said he would be do and that’s what he’s delivering.”
Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway on CBS’ Sunday Morning on the President’s Joint Address: “It is President Trump who was writing and rewriting entire passages, and he really wanted it to be in his voice.”
NORAH O’DONNELL: “It was called a presidential speech and he’s been President for five weeks. What went into this speech that changed the way he’s communicating?” KELLYANNE CONWAY: “Well, first of all, I was part of the process — others did the bulk of the work. But I will tell you that it [was] President Trump who was writing and rewriting entire passages, and he really wanted it to be in his voice. And he works with [a] brilliant speech writer, Stephen Miller, who is able to really reflect the President’s tone and content. And then I [also] think you heard much of Ivanka Trump’s voice in that speech.”