The Donald J. Trump Administration is deeply concerned that Iran has returned United States citizen Baquer Namazi to its notorious Evin Prison after briefly releasing him on bail so he could undergo medical examination. We understand the decision to return Mr. Namazi to prison was made against the strong advice of his doctors and the Iranian regime’s own medical examiner. Mr. Namazi, who is 81 years old, is serving a 10-year sentence on false charges. He has been hospitalized four times in the last year and continues to suffer from life-threatening heart problems. He remains in urgent need of sustained medical care, and the United States Government holds Iran fully accountable for his well-being. The Trump Administration again calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all unjustly detained and missing United States citizens in Iran, including Baquer Namazi, his son Siamak Namazi, Xiyue Wang, and Robert Levinson.
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