En Route Melbourne, Florida
Q What’s your message going to be?
THE PRESIDENT: My message is going to be unity, with a small exception.
Q With a small exception?
THE PRESIDENT: You’ll see. I think you’ll like it. You’ll like it. We have a great crowd of people. Fantastic crowd of people. It’s nice that you’re with us. Thank you very much. And I’ll see you afterwards.
Q A lot of people are saying this is too early to be in campaign mode. What’s your response to that?
THE PRESIDENT: Life is a campaign. Making our country great again is a campaign. For me, it’s a campaign. To make America great again is absolutely a campaign. It’s not easy, especially when we’re also fighting the press and the media. So, I’ll see you out there.
Q How are your National Security Advisor interviews going?
THE PRESIDENT: Very good. We’re meeting three of four of them tomorrow. I have many, many that want the job, they want to really be a part of it. I’ll make a decision over the next couple of days. But we’re meeting, actually, four tomorrow. All of them very much want it.
Q Are you leaning towards one?
THE PRESIDENT: Probably, yeah.
Q Which one?
THE PRESIDENT: A very similar to one to somebody — I’ve been thinking about somebody for the last — I would say, for the last three, four days. We’ll see what happens. I’m meeting with that person tomorrow.
Q Odierno?
THE PRESIDENT: He’s a good man.
Q Would you put him at the top of the list?
THE PRESIDENT: He’s a very good man. They’re all good. They’re all great people.