TRANSFORMING OUR CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: President Donald J. Trump joined with members of both parties in Congress to make our criminal justice system fairer for all Americans.
- The landmark First Step Act signed into law by the President reformed decades of policies that failed to ensure a fair justice system for all Americans.
- President Trump worked with Congress to pass commonsense sentencing reforms, such as eliminating three-strike mandatory life sentencing for Federal drug offenders.
- The First Step Act will help prepare inmates to successfully rejoin society, including through vocational training and educational coursework.
- This legislation will make our communities safer by reducing recidivism and keeping violent criminals and sex offenders off our streets.
- The Act received widespread support across the political spectrum, demonstrating that true bipartisanship is possible when both sides work to find common ground.
FIGHTING THE OPIOID CRISIS: President Trump has worked with Congress to combat the opioid crisis that has devastated our communities.
- President Trump has joined Republicans and Democrats in Congress to enact bold legislation to combat the opioid crisis.
- The President signed the bipartisan SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act in October 2018, marking the largest single piece of legislation to address a drug crisis in history.
- The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act expands access to addiction treatment and cracks down on the trafficking of illicit drugs.
- This legislation passed both the House and Senate by overwhelming, bipartisan margins.
ADVANCING ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: President Trump has championed bipartisan legislation to train our workforce and promote economic prosperity.
- President Trump signed bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career Vocational and Technical Education Act in July 2018.
- Reauthorization had stalled in Congress for years before breaking through last year.
- President Trump signed the Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act in January 2019, promoting opportunity for female entrepreneurs worldwide.
- President Trump signed a sweeping new Farm Bill that expands crop insurance, doubles how much farmers can borrow, and helps open up new markets for American farmers.
CARING FOR OUR VETERANS: The President has joined with Congress to ensure our veterans receive the respect and quality care they deserve.
- The President signed the VA Mission Act, enacting sweeping reforms to ensure that veterans have access to quality care and reduce the complex bureaucracy of the VA.
- President Trump and Congress advanced legislation providing a record $73.1 billion to provide medical care to our veterans.
- The President signed the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, making it easier to discipline and fire poor performing VA employees.
- President Trump signed bipartisan legislation to reform the VA’s long claims appeals process.