Joseph F. Bianco, of New York, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit, vice Reena Raggi, retired.
Stanley Blumenfeld, of California, to be United States
District Judge for the Central District of California, vice Audrey B. Collins, retired.
Brian C. Buescher, of Nebraska, to be United States District Judge for the District of Nebraska, vice Laurie Smith Camp, retiring.
Patrick J. Bumatay, of California, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, vice Alex Kozinski, retired.
Gary B. Burman, of Kentucky, to be United States Marshal for the Western District of Kentucky for the term of four years, vice James Edward Clark, resigned.
Daniel P. Collins, of California, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, vice Harry Pregerson, retired.
Clifton L. Corker, of Tennessee, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Tennessee, vice J. Ronnie Greer, retired.
Philip M. Halpern, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, vice P. Kevin Castel, retired.
Kenneth Kiyul Lee, of California, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, vice Stephen R. Reinhardt, deceased.
Thomas Marcelle, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of New York, vice Gary L. Sharpe, retired.
Matthew Walden McFarland, of Ohio, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio, vice Thomas M. Rose, retired.
Michael H. Park, of New York, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit, vice Gerard E. Lynch, retired.
Jeremy B. Rosen, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, vice Margaret M. Morrow, retired.
Mark C. Scarsi, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Central District of California, vice George H. King, retired.
Aaron L. Weisman, of Rhode Island, to be United States Attorney for the District of Rhode Island for the term of four years, vice Peter F. Neronha, resigned.
William I. Althen, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission for a term of six years expiring August 30, 2024. (Reappointment)
Mary Anne Carter, of Tennessee, to be Chairperson of the National Endowment for the Arts for a term of four years, vice R. Jane Chu, resigned.
Edward F. Crawford, of Ohio, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Ireland.
Janice Miriam Hellreich, of Hawaii, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, 2024, vice Howard Abel Husock, term expired.
Kenneth A. Howery, of Texas, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Sweden.
George M. Marcus, of California, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation for a term of three years, vice Morton H. Halperin, term expired.
Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the State of Qatar.
Bruce M. Ramer, of California, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a term expiring January 31, 2024. (Reappointment)
Aurelia Skipwith, of Indiana, to be Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, vice Daniel M. Ashe.
David Stilwell, of Hawaii, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (East Asian and Pacific Affairs), vice Daniel R. Russel.
Arthur R. Traynor III, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission for a term of six years expiring August 30, 2024, vice Robert F. Cohen Jr., term expired.