FILLING AMERICAN JOBS WITH AMERICAN WORKERS: Today’s soaring economy represents a tremendous opportunity to lift marginalized American workers back into the workforce and allow them to secure family-sustaining careers.
- As a result of President Trump’s policies, there are now more than 6.6 million job openings in the United States. While the booming economy has created unprecedented employment opportunities for Americans of all backgrounds, millions still remain on the sidelines, eager to enter the workforce, but may need retraining and support to assist in getting back to work.
- Further, to account for new technology and automation, new skill sets will be required of our future workforce and be essential for economic growth.
- Estimates show that 60% of occupations– at least 1/3 of today’s jobs– could be automated, transforming the skills Americans will need to undertake jobs in the future.
TAKING ACTION: The President established the National Council for the American Worker and the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board to harness the expertise of the education and business community, and to allow private and public sector collaboration to resolve pressing issues related to workforce development.
- The National Council for the American Worker, comprised of senior officials across federal agencies, is developing a holistic, National Workforce Strategy to ensure American students and workers have access to affordable, relevant education and job training.
- The American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, made up of business, education, and not-for-profit leaders, will provide recommendations to the Council on how to ensure American workers remain the best workforce in the world.
- Specifically, based on the recommendations of the Advisory Board, the Council will:
- Develop a national campaign to raise awareness of workforce issues, such as the importance of STEM and vocational education.
- Expand the number of highly-effective work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities for American workers.
- Propose a course of action for increasing transparency related to education and job-training to ensure all Americans can make informed decisions about their education choices and careers.
COMMITTED TO AMERICA’S WORKERS: The President has called on businesses nationwide to sign Our Pledge to America’s Workers and commit to investing in their current and future workforce by expanding programs that educate and reskill American workers of all ages.
- Already, hundreds of companies have answered that call, pledging to train and retrain more than 4.2 million American students and workers for jobs across the country:
- Walmart pledged 1,000,000 new opportunities for American workers.
- FedEx pledged 500,000 new opportunities for American workers.
- National Retail Federation pledged 250,000 new opportunities for American workers.
- IBM pledged 100,000 new opportunities for American workers.