Vice President Mike Pence On ABC’s “This Week”: “I’m Confident That In Judge Neil Gorsuch, We’ll Have Someone On The Court Who Will Keep Faith With The Constitution.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “What the President charged us to do was to find someone who had the background, the experience, the unimpeachable credentials, the character, but also just to be faithful to the Constitution as written. We’re in this hallowed hall where the Congress met in 1790. We’re right next door to Independence Hall, where the Constitution was written; that and the framework of this government have created the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind. And I’m confident that in Judge Neil Gorsuch, we’ll have someone on the Court who will keep faith with the Constitution.”
Vice President Mike Pence On Fox’s “Fox News Sunday”: Judge Gorsuch Is “Extraordinarily Qualified” To Sit On The Supreme Court.
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Over the course of the campaign President Trump made it clear that he was going to appoint for the vacancy on the Supreme Court a jurist in the tradition of the late great Justice Antonin Scalia. And in Judge Neil Gorsuch he has done that. This is someone who is extraordinarily qualified. His academic background is remarkable from Columbia, to Harvard, to Oxford. He literally was ten years ago confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate and we are very encouraged at this point that more than at half a dozen Democrats have committed themselves to an up or down look on the floor of the Senate. Neil Gorsuch belongs on the United States Supreme Court. But no Associate Justice to the Supreme Court in American history has ever faced a successful filibuster and Neil Gorsuch should not be the first. That’s why both the President and I have made it clear that we are going to work with Senate leadership and one way or another, Judge Gorsuch is going to get an up or down vote on the floor of the Senate. And we are confident he will be confirmed as the newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.”
Vice President Mike Pence On CBS’ “Face The Nation”: The Trump Administration Is “Busy Keeping Our Promises To The American People.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Probably, you know, I look at the first few days of this administration, and I love to tell people to watch this president work sitting behind that Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. You see a president who is in the promise-keeping business. And, my view, chief among those promises, was his commitment to nominate someone to the Supreme Court who will be faithful to the Constitution, interpret the law as written. But he also said he wanted someone who was exceptionally qualified, and Judge Neil Gorsuch, with his academic background, with ten years on the court, as someone who was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate ten years ago to the Court of Appeals in the Tenth Circuit, I think represents that promise kept to the American people. And we remain very confident that, despite some of the posturing that we see in the Senate today, that Judge Gorsuch is going to be well received by the members in the Senate.”
Vice President Mike Pence On NBC’s “Meet The Press”: “President Trump Has Made It Clear He’s Going To Put The Safety And The Security Of The American People First.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “From the outset of his campaign for president and the outset of this administration, President Trump has made it clear he’s going to put the safety and the security of the American people first. And using a list of countries that the Obama Administration and the Congress have certified, were compromised by terrorist influence. Seven different countries, permanently suspending immigration from Syria, and suspending for a set period of time the remaining six countries, is consistent with the president’s commitment to do just that. We are very confident the president is operating within his authority as president, both under the constitution and under clear, statutory law.”
Vice President Mike Pence On Fox’s “Fox News Sunday”: “The Iranians Would Do Well To Look At The Calendar And Recognize That We’ve Got A New President In The Oval Office.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The Iranians would do well to look at the calendar and recognize that we’ve got a new president in the oval office. That disastrous nuclear deal that the last administration entered into with Iran, as General Flynn said, should have encouraged better behavior by the Iranians. But instead what we see, whether it be their flouting UN Security Council resolutions banning ballistic missile tests, or whether it be the way they’re arming the Houthis in Yemen who just last week attacked a Saudi Arabian ship. What we’re seeing here is hostile action, belligerent action, being supported by or taken by the Iranians, and we’re just not going to put up with it anymore.”
Vice President Mike Pence On Fox’s “Fox News Sunday”: “We Are Going To Work Hard To Advance That Kind Of Regulatory Reform That Will Make Resources And Loans Available For A Growing America.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “The message that we are sending to Main Street is that we are going to pull back this mountain of red tape that is stifling access to capital and loans, particularly for small businesses across this country. We will get this economy moving again. I’ve got to tell you, both on the campaign trail with the president and since the outset of this administration, in meetings with business leaders and labor leaders, they tell us that in addition to cutting taxes, that rolling back the avalanche of red tape that is stifling the economy, and, frankly, stifling the availability of loans and financial resources for companies, is of paramount importance. And the action the president took this week, surrounded by leaders in Congress who have been working to reform, if not repeal Dodd-Frank, is just the beginning of that effort, and we’re going to continue to work hard while we protect consumers along the way. We are going to work hard to advance that kind of regulatory reform that will make resources and loans available for a growing America.”