Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller on NBC’s Meet The Press: “We are pursuing every single possible action to keep our country safe from terrorism.”
MILLER: “We’re considering all of our options right now, Chuck. That includes, you can continue the appeal [in] the Ninth [Circuit], you can seek an emergency stay at the Supreme Court, you can have a trial hearing on the merits at the district level, or you can take it en banc for the emergency hearing also at the Ninth Circuit, and yes, you can pursue additional executive actions. The bottom line is that we are pursuing every single possible action to keep our country safe from terrorism. And I also want to be clear, we’ve heard a lot of talk about how all of the branches of government are equal. That’s the point. They are equal. There’s no such thing as judicial supremacy. What the judges did both at the Ninth [Circuit] and at the district level was to take power for themselves that belongs squarely in the hands of the President of the United States.”
Miller on Fox’s Fox News Sunday on the President’s authority to conduct immigration and national security policy: “The President’s powers here are beyond question. . . .They represent the very apex of Presidential authority.”
MILLER: “But I want to say something very clearly, and this is going to be very disappointing to the people protesting the President and the people in Congress like Senator Schumer who have attacked the President for his lawful and necessary action. The President’s powers here are beyond question. The President has the authority under the INA, section 8 U.S.C. 1182(f), to suspend the entry of aliens into this country and he has Article II foreign [affairs] powers to also engage in conducting border control and immigration control [for] this country. Those powers are substantial. They represent the very apex of Presidential authority. And so we are contemplating new and additional actions to ensure that our immigration system does not become a vehicle for admitting people into our country who are hostile to this Nation and its values.”
Miller on ABC’s This Week on North Korea’s Missile Test: “The message we’re sending to the world right now is a message of strength and solidarity.”
MILLER: “The message we’re sending to the world right now is a message of strength and solidarity. We stand with Japan and we stand with our allies in the region to address the North Korean menace. And the important point is that we’re inheriting a situation around the world that is as challenging as any we’ve ever seen in our lives. The situation in North Korea, the situation in Syria, the situation in Yemen. These are complex and difficult challenges, and that’s why President Trump is displaying the strength of America to the whole world. And it’s why we’re going to begin a process of rebuilding our depleted defense capabilities on a scale we have not seen in generations.”
Miller on NBC’s Meet The Press: “We should have a program in which American workers are given jobs first.”
MILLER: “I believe that we should have a program in which American workers are given jobs first. The President campaigned on this, it’s an issue where the labor unions agree with us, it’s an issue where many Democrat members of Congress agree with us. If you have an open job in this country, a U.S. citizen or existing legal permanent resident ought to have the ability to make the first application for that job. The problem is in the way the media covers this issue, present company excluded, is [that] they don’t spend enough time talking about the well-being of the 300 million people here today, U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, many of whom are living in poverty, many of whom who haven’t seen wage growth in 20 [or] 30 years, and its time we talked about them—their needs, their families, and their concerns—and yes we’ll have a lawful immigration system. It will enrich and benefit our country. But the President has made clear that he believes [it] should be a merit-based system, where individuals coming to the country bring the kinds of benefits economically that will grow our economy and help lift up wages for everybody.”
Miller on CBS’s Face The Nation on the Trump Administration’s opening weeks: “On issue after issue, we’re taking forceful action to deliver on the President’s campaign promises on a breathtaking scale.”
MILLER: “The President of the United States has accomplished more in just a few weeks than many presidents accomplish in an entire administration. You’ve seen, for instance, profound regulatory reform: for every one new regulation, two must go. You’ve seen ethics reforms to drain the swamp. You’ve seen efforts to bring back jobs with Intel and Ford and General Motors. You’ve seen action taken with an executive order to go after criminal cartels that have plagued our cities for years with no effective response. On issue after issue, we’re taking forceful action to deliver on the President’s campaign promises on a breathtaking scale.”