Editorial boards, pro-life leaders, and commentators are praising the Trump Administration’s effort to ensure that taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER EDITORIAL BOARD: Pulling the Subsidy Plug on Planned Parenthood
“President Trump’s action last week, barring Title X family planning funds from programs and facilities that perform abortions, is thus entirely right and reasonable … In theory, Title X money cannot pay for abortion as a form of family planning. But it has long been misinterpreted to require recipient programs at least to refer women to abortionists. Trump’s change at last ends this, going back to the law as it is written rather than as the abortion industry and its advocates wish and pretend it to be.”
NEW HAMPSHIRE UNION LEADER EDITORIAL BOARD: Abortion Subsidies: Ending Planned Parenthood’s Scheme
“Trump wants to reinstate rules similar to those first approved by President Ronald Reagan, which would require a bright line between a facility receiving Title X funds and one performing abortions. Doctors could counsel pregnant women about abortion, but could not refer them for abortions. This would help end the pernicious cross-subsidy forcing taxpayers to underwrite abortions. The U.S. Supreme Court found the Reagan-era rules constitutional in 1991. Abortion providers have no inherent right to the public’s money.”
NATIONAL REVIEW EDITORIAL BOARD: Defunding Planned Parenthood: Donald Trump’s Good Start
“[T]he Trump administration has made a positive and necessary step not just towards the unambiguously pro-life goal of defunding the nation’s largest abortion provider but also towards carrying out the intent of Congress when it passed Title X … the Trump administration is right to more effectively enforce the will of Congress. We applaud this decision.”
“Last week the Trump administration took decisive action on the president’s pledge to disentangle taxpayers from the abortion industry, delivering a policy win that promotes better health care alternatives for women and may save countless lives … We thank President Trump for doing what it takes to fulfill this core promise and get taxpayers out of the abortion business.”
THE WASHINGTON TIMES’ CHERYL CHUMLEY: Trump’s About to Make Pro-Life Camp Very Happy
“President Donald Trump has a new proposal, and it’s one that’s going to make his Christian and evangelical base quite happy … [It is] what Trump said he’d do while campaigning for president — to stop using taxpayer dollars to support agencies that provide abortions, that is. And truly, too — even pro-choicers have to see that taking tax dollars to slide into the abortion industry is wrong, wrong and wrong again.”