Rhode Island Convention Center
Providence, Rhode Island
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Prime Minister Trudeau, it’s an honor to extend the greetings of the President of the United States and the people of the United States to welcome you here to Rhode Island, grateful for the opportunity to share the podium with you, and we look forward to continuing to build our relationship both economically and diplomatically and strategically and grateful for the strong relationship that you’ve already forged with our President and with our administration.
PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU: Thank you, Mr. Vice President. It’s a pleasure to sit down with you for our first bilat. We got a chance just to talk a fair bit when we were in Washington in February, but this opportunity to sit down and talk about the great relationship we’ve built in Canada and the United States and this administration specifically and all the work we’re going to be doing together to create prosperity and good opportunities for our citizens and, indeed, for people around the world.
(Speaks French.)