Hotel du Palais
Biarritz, France
8:16 A.M. CEST
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Hello, folks. How are you? (Inaudible.)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you, folks. Do you know who this is? Does everybody know? He’s going to be a fantastic Prime Minister. And we’re having very, very good meetings. So far, so good.
PRIME MINISTER JOHNSON: We’re having terrific meetings. And we’re going to do a fantastic deal once we clear up some of the obstacles in our path.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: And that’s a fantastic thing for us. We’re talking about many different deals, but we’re having a good time. As far as UK and the United States, we’re working on a very big trade deal and I think it’s going to work out very well.
So thank you very much. See you later. Thank you.
END 8:17 A.M. CEST