LDS Welfare Square
Salt Lake City, Utah
11:36 A.M. MST
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much for being here. This is very exciting for me. I know so many people that are in your church — the Latter-day Saints. The job you’ve done is beyond anything you could think of — 180 countries, taking care of people the way you take of people, and the respect that you have all over the world.
I would love you to, while the media is here, just say a couple of words of what we just discussed — all of the care and all of the giving that you’ve done. And to help people, in particular poor people, would be a good thing. And perhaps they will transmit that to different parts of this country and the world. It’s so brilliant to hear it.
MR. EYRING: Thank you, Mr. President. We’re here in a place where we have food and materials that we give to the poor. This is simply an example of what we do across the world, the idea being that we think we have an obligation to God to look out for the people who, without our aid, have tragedy in their lives, be it poverty or hunger.
And this is an example of what we do in — how many faith missions?
MR. CAUSSE: One hundred and twenty facilities in —
MR. EYRING: One hundred and twenty. And would you care a word?
DR. NELSON: I was in China last week, and there I got see what a wonderful job President Trump had done just previously. (Inaudible) because of your visit, Mr. President. And I also happened to walk in on an occasion when the Chinese members of the church were bringing supplies for schoolchildren who didn’t have means of getting what they needed to go to school.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, that was very nice. I heard you were there. Formerly a great heart surgeon; one of the best in the world. And he decided to help even more people by doing what you’re doing. So we appreciate that.
DR. NELSON: Thank you very much.
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much. Appreciate it.
END 11:38 A.M.