CHAMPIONING EDUCATIONAL FREEDOM: President Donald J. Trump is ensuring our Nation’s children have the opportunity to fulfill their God-given potential.
- President Trump is calling on Congress to pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act and give 1 million children the freedom to attend a school of their choice.
- The Administration’s school choice plan, which has more than 120 Congressional co-sponsors, would bolster existing State scholarship programs and encourage more States to pursue education freedom policies.
- This historic investment in America’s children creates a $5 billion annual tax credit for donations to state-based, locally-controlled scholarships.
- These scholarships will help families pay for expenses such as tuition, dual enrollment, out-of-district transportation, tutoring, and apprenticeships.
IMPROVING OUTCOMES: For too long, forgotten children across our country have been failed by our education system.
- No parent should be forced to send their child to a failing school or one that is not a good fit.
- The “Nation’s Report Card” shows that nearly two-thirds of our children are not proficient readers.
- Countless families want to provide their children with better educational options, but they are being denied that opportunity.
- Surveys show millions more families would choose a charter school if they had access to one today.
- In Pennsylvania alone, 50,000 students remain on a scholarship waitlist after the State’s Democrat governor vetoed a school choice expansion bill.
- The American people recognize that students have the best chance to succeed when they receive an education tailored to their individual learning styles, talents, and interests.
- In a recent survey, 78% supported Education Freedom Scholarships, including 83% of African Americans, 83% of Latinos, and 78% of Millennials.
EXPANDING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: President Trump has made it a priority of his Administration to promote high-quality educational opportunities for all students.
- President Trump and his Administration have taken action to restore local control over education and stop Federal overreach that limits teachers and students.
- The President has directed a minimum of $200 million in annual funding since 2017 to prioritize STEM and Computer Science education.
- This critical funding has helped more women and minorities access high-demand skills.
- The Administration has invested nearly $1.5 billion in the development of public charter schools, helping these schools grow to serve more than 3 million students.
- The President secured permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
- The President simplified the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, helping 20 million families who apply every year to qualify for Federal student aid.
- President Trump signed legislation reauthorizing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and reversed an Obama-era policy that denied scholarships to low-income students.