2020 Turkey Pardoning

On November 24, 2020, President Donald J. Trump continued the time-honored White House tradition of officially pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey!

2020’s candidates for National Thanksgiving Turkey were “Corn” and “Cob!” After a close vote, Americans chose “Corn,” a 42 lb. bird from Iowa, as the honoree.

Corn and Cob were raised by Ron Kardel, National Turkey Federation Chairman and a 6th generation turkey, corn, and soybean farmer from Walcott, Iowa! After the pardoning ceremony at the White House, both turkeys are retiring to their new home on the campus of Iowa State University.

2019 Turkey Pardoning

President Trump pardoned the 2019 National Thanksgiving Turkey at a Rose Garden ceremony on November 26! After the votes were tallied, “Butter,” won a close vote over his competitor, “Bread.”

Bread and Butter traveled to our Nation’s capital from North Carolina! They were raised under the supervision of the 2019 National Turkey Federation Chairman Kerry Doughty and by grower Wellie Jackson.

Both turkeys joined 2018’s contestants, Peas and Carrots, for some much-deserved rest and relaxation at Virginia Tech’s Gobblers Rest exhibit in Blacksburg, Virginia.

2018 Turkey Pardoning

Peas earned the honor of 2018 National Thanksgiving Turkey!

Peas and Carrots traveled to our Nation’s capital all the way from South Dakota! They were raised on a farm near Huron, S.D., under the supervision of National Turkey Federation Chairman Jeff Sveen and by turkey grower Ruben Waldner.

The Presidential Flock of 50 turkeys was hatched in July, and Peas and Carrots were selected to travel to Washington, D.C.

After the pardoning, both Peas and Carrots will make the journey to their new home at Virginia Tech’s “Gobblers Rest” exhibit in Blacksburg, Virginia. At Gobblers Rest, students and veterinarians within Virginia Tech’s Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences care for the turkeys. The National Thanksgiving Turkey and its alternate are available for the public to visit and learn about the university’s teaching, research and outreach programs in animal and poultry sciences and veterinary medicine.

2017 Turkey Pardoning

Drumstick and Wishbone battled it out for the honor of becoming the National Thanksgiving Turkey in 2017, but ultimately the honor fell to Drumstick.

The birds were raised in Western Minnesota under the supervision of National Turkey Federation Chairman Carl Wittenburg and his wife Sharlene, along with five young women from the Douglas County 4-H chapter.